Tag Archives: Robo Bear

Nursing Bears Soon to Replace Hospital Transportation?!

Okay so I had a recent conversation with a friend about how mechnically engineered thinger mabobs were gonna take over the world and slowly (but surely) replace the need of a human work force.
And of course, Japans science and computer engineering develops something that is just that: replacement.

I mean, I know that this is still something that is in beta form and needs a lot of tweaks and changes, but the fact that this is even in creation astounds me. Its creepy on so many levels but definitely is broadening the horizons in terms of engineering. And it’s understood that there is a shortage of medical faculty in Japan, so this is their attempts of providing for the disadvantages is being short staffed. Crazy, yet effective.

The robo bear (RIBA- Robot for Interactive Body Assistance) is created and being developed by Japan’s Institute of Physical and Chemical Research. It can carry up to 135lbs and can transport patients out of bed or a wheelchair and has urethane foam padding to add comfort to patients.

…can you see Simone of TokiDoki doing a collaboration with Japanese hospitals to design these bears?

to read more about the specs and to learn about its phenomenal sensors and upgrades…read it here!
thanks DPD for informing about this!


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